Detailed view of 95-39696


ID 4
Name BN/NHsdMcwi
Type Inbred
Living False
Source MCW


Animal_name BN/NHsdMcwi_Rat2
Sex M
Age weaning
Euthanasia_date 2018-03-01
Source Dwinell


ID 95-38313
Type kidney
Transfer_History Dwinell to chen to Dalgard
Note None


DNA_source 95-38313
Platform 10X Chromium
DNA_extraction_method HMW
DNA_extraction_facility USUHS
Library_kit 150bp_PE
Library_facility USUHS
Sequencing_instrument HiSeq_X
Sequencing_date 2019-09-01
Sequencing_facility USUHS
Raw_data_dir_name 95-39696
Raw_data_format fastq.gz
Raw_data_file_size_GB 60
Raw_data_available_from Chen
Note None


Analysis_ID 95-39696.LR1 95-39696.GH1 95-39696.DV1
Software_name LongRanger GROC-SVs DeepVariant
Software_version 2.2.2 Udit_PR3 0.9.0-gpu
Results_dir longranger_results/BN_male grocsvs_HXB /data/10_TB/deepvar
Analysis_date 2019-10-03 2020-03-02 2019-12-04
Note combined analysis of BN samples and HXB

LongRanger results

Analysis_ID 95-39696.LR1
instrument_ids A00735
gems_detected 1813273
mean_dna_per_gem 682219.9227
bc_on_whitelist 0.9229319497
bc_mean_qscore 36.30744491
n50_linked_reads_per_molecule 8
corrected_loaded_mass_ng 1.604837348
snps_phased 0.8629907469
genes_phased_lt_100kb 0.770065917
longest_phase_block 949082
n50_phase_block 35379
molecule_length_mean 23447.8862
molecule_length_stddev 36486.98174
number_reads 819416344
median_insert_size 358
mean_depth 36.18721968
zero_coverage 0.02029100015
mapped_reads 0.9295955708
pcr_duplication 0.04395423818
r1_q20_bases_fract 0.9420984011
r1_q30_bases_fract 0.8924078396
r2_q20_bases_fract 0.9221191185
r2_q30_bases_fract 0.8612254893
si_q20_bases_fract NaN
si_q30_bases_fract NaN
bc_q20_bases_fract 0.9859719219
bc_q30_bases_fract 0.9590621785
large_sv_calls 1900
short_deletion_calls 19131

Deepvariant results

index 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352
Analysis_ID 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1 95-39696.DV1
Chr chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr1 chr20 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chrX chrY
Biallelic_Deletion 26167 17619 19848 28068 26575 26123 23372 24522 19991 18612 60415 17446 56421 40430 38525 43717 35319 32776 29917 29184 35840 413
Biallelic_Insertion 29600 19507 19815 29187 27921 26953 23454 24802 21331 18639 64077 17758 59996 42777 40897 45434 37360 35798 32381 30183 34914 555
Biallelic_SNP 25929 19844 30033 26853 39714 44744 30550 29035 19198 31440 111967 17016 94245 49992 40618 46965 47139 68287 35852 41879 52009 2682
Multiallelic_Complex 657 381 422 545 583 584 433 463 382 387 1549 331 1219 915 792 829 733 863 707 658 405 10
Multiallelic_Deletion 203 120 118 196 206 206 138 176 155 128 475 101 458 297 290 276 246 280 232 216 145 18
Multiallelic_Insertion 815 418 559 582 639 631 491 563 458 513 1637 401 1301 957 913 995 830 990 790 704 381 40
Multiallelic_SNP 25 15 43 18 31 78 23 45 21 55 153 10 157 37 16 22 75 103 34 59 30 1
RefCall 277864 189480 175974 251509 254702 265402 204419 225458 187863 189809 689714 148724 602001 400737 380415 390146 336267 363349 301866 287407 337559 26350
Transition 11162 8790 14119 11054 18136 21323 13860 12895 8100 15043 52955 7030 43815 22425 17649 20610 20859 34123 15769 19194 23369 1399
Transversion 14767 11054 15914 15799 21578 23421 16690 16140 11098 16397 59012 9986 50430 27567 22969 26355 26280 34164 20083 22685 28640 1283

Supernova results